The Share
FlexQube Shares
The company’s stock has been listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm First North under the FLEXQ symbol since December 14, 2017. FlexQube had sales of around 2.5 million shares during the period January 1 to December 31, 2020. This resulted in an average turnover of approximately 9,779 shares per trading day worth SEK 237,281. The average price of the share during the period was around SEK 29.3. The last closing at the end of the period was SEK 30, meaning that it was unchanged from the subscription price associated with its listing on December 14, 2017 or a decrease of 20 percent from the closing rate on December 31, 2019.
Shareholder Structure
* Owner’s structure as of 2021-08-09

Share Information
FlexQube (publ) is traded on NASDAQ First North in Stockholm Sweden.
The ticker symbol is FLEXQ and the ISIN-code is: SE0010547075
The first day for trading for FlexQube on Nasdaq First North was 14th December 2017.
More information about FlexQube’s share can be found at Nasdaq.